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Accessible Flanders

“Barrier free visits”

Informing users

Good accessibility of buildings or public spaces is very important to ensure that people with disabilities can move around these places independently without help. The website Accessible Flanders provides users with reliable and objective information on accessibility for people with motor impairments, visual disabilities, auditory disabilities or suffering from respiratory troubles and allergies. This detailed information allows users to plan or better organize a visit according to the accessibility level of the venue.

An accessibility level for each unit of the public places in the database is obtained by a professional accessibility analysis. This simplifies the search for information: the building is accessible independently, the building is in part accessible or the building is not accessible to everyone. A building or unit never gets a global score. The website also mentions all facilities or extra services that improve accessibility.

Regardless of the results of the accessibility analysis, this reliable and correct information on accessibility is already providing a major service for visitors with a disability.

Informing owners and raising awareness

A customized report gives owners an insight into the level of accessibility of a building and also into the actions that they can undertake to optimize accessibility. Practical and simple tips that do not necessarily involve high costs are listed but also actions that require more time and even more structural actions that can be anticipated in the long term, in case of planned renovation for instance.

The report starts with a summary containing a general view on the accessibility of an accommodation or public space. This is also visually represented by a clear scheme for better comprehension. The report does not provide a global result: each important unit gets an individual score.

The screening analysis provides more detailed information. This information takes into account the ‘Accessible Flanders’ standards, which are customized standards for existing buildings. A number of general basic measures are given to each unit in function of possible alterations to the building. These measures can be different from the ‘Accessible Flanders’ standards because they are destined for new constructions or renovation projects.

The report ends with a concrete action plan in order to improve accessibility in the short, the medium and the long term. The action plan shows how specific barriers to accessibility can be easily adapted and which adaptations require efforts on a larger scale and/or extra means or even possible structural alterations.

Policy information

This database has become THE database on accessibility and an important policy instrument for the Flemish government. In this context there is a close collaboration with the provincial platforms for accessibility in Flanders. All field screenings are carried out by trained employees of the Flemish Technical Accessibility Consultancy Agencies which cooperate with Equal Opportunities in Flanders and Enter.

The website is managed by Enter, the Flemish Expert Centre on Accessibility.

The information on this website is available in Dutch only. If you have further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Enter vzw, Vlaams Expertisecentrum Toegankelijkheid
Belgiëplein 1
3510 Hasselt (Kermt)
Tel.: +32 (0) 11/ 26 50 30
Fax.: +32 (0) 11/ 87 41 39
E-mail: info@entervzw.be
Gelijke Kansen in Vlaanderen
Boudewijnlaan 30
1000 Brussels
Tel.:+32 (0) 2 553 58 46
Fax: +32 (0) 2 553 51 38
E-mail: gelijkekansen@vlaanderen.be